Yachting-Grenada Week Opens

image of Grenada, Caribbean
Grenada, Caribbean

By Michael O’Connell – International Yachting Correspondent


Michael’s Grenada Diary 


photo of Grenada

At 6 am Wednesday 29th Jan  2014, I dragged myself out of bed. It was a dull cold morning and the rain was lashing down, as it had been doing for what seemed like months. It was the wettest winter that the UK in living memory. Still, I was excited because I was off to the island of Grenada, nestled in the heart of the Caribbean.

Gatwick Airport was busy as always and the British Airways flight to Grenada via St. Lucia was full.

Ten hours later we bumped onto the tarmac, 30 C, clear blue sky and sea with palms swaying gently in that oh so lovely warm breeze, that is synonymous with this time of year here. Local time was 4.30pm

After a short taxi ride I arrived in Port Louis marina and checked into the RSR Apartments, my base for the next week.

Port Louis is situated to the south of the island, a relatively new development, only a few years old, boasts a restaurant, bar and apartment’s is close to local shops and convenient for the main town of St. Georges.

After a quick shower, a trip to the supermarket for supplies, we popped over to the bar and caught up with old friends. It was great to be back.


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